Snug Harbor
Cultural Center & Botanical Garden
Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden’s (SHCCBG) mission is to provide a vibrant, regional cultural destination that offers dynamic programming in arts, education, horticulture, agriculture, and recreation for diverse cultures and all ages while ensuring a well-managed campus for all residents of Staten Island and surrounding communities.
Collection & Processing
Accept & process 25 tons of organic material
Food scrap acceptance and leaf bag drop-offs
SHCCBG-generated horticultural and agricultural waste, with the goal of moving to a closed loop growing system across 83 acres
10 events distributing compost to a minimum of 3000 NYC residents, dependent upon DSNY supply
16 deliveries to community composters and/or growers, including schools and community gardens
Outreach & Education
Programs, including Spanish language programs
o Farm & Compost site tours
o Composting in NYC presentations throughout Staten Island
o School field trips
o Public workshops for adults and families
o Weekly volunteering opportunities
o Master Composter certification
o Workforce development training for emerging adults aged 16-27
o Three large community events focused on the importance of organics recycling
Technical support for local community composters
Patron engagement to support the roll out of DSNY’s curbside collection program