Bronx Green Up
Bronx Green-Up, the outreach program of The New York Botanical Garden, provides horticultural advice, technical assistance, and training to community gardeners, school groups, and other organizations interested in improving urban neighborhoods through greening projects. At the heart of Bronx Green-Up are the community gardens of the Bronx and a compost education program. Follow @bronxgreenup.
Goals: Educate New Yorkers on the benefits of composting. Offer opportunities to learn, volunteer and share resources.
Outreach & Education
Community Composting Certificate Course
Technical Assistance to Community Composting sites
Interactive Workshops
Outreach Events
Compost givebacks events
Street Tree Care Events
Info Table at community events
Pumpkin Smash
Leaf Crunch
Harvest Fair
Crazy for Composting!
Award Ceremony/Train Show