Big Reuse
Big Reuse's mission is to fight climate change through community-based zero waste initiatives.
Collection & Composting
Create and support decentralized system of composting sites
10 installs of new 3-bin systems for community composters
Browns deliveries and technical support
Provide educational and volunteer support for community composters and food scrap drop-offs
Fund and staff composting at 4 community based greening orgs
Open and operate new Gowanus community composting site
Host FSDOs with community partners
Outreach & Education
Offer the Master Composter course
Distribute compost to community gardens, parks, and other greening projects
Provide street tree care and stewardship activities with compost and mulch
Targeted outreach (tabling at events, presenting at Community Board meetings, etc)
‘Composting in NYC’ presentations at Brooklyn and Queens Public Libraries and other spaces