The Brotherhood

Sister Sol

In support of a community incentive campaign created by Nando Rodriguez, 1K Compost Systems NYC. The Brotherhood Sister Sol (BroSis) and Open Road of NY (Open Road) are joining efforts on getting support, funding, and participation in developing and improving composting systems to improve community engagement while mitigating impacts of climate change. 

Collection & Processing

  • Within the fiscal year of 2024 to 2025 we hope to locate sites in all 5 boroughs where we can help improve or establish a new composting system for existing composting programs.

Outreach & Education

  •  We hope to choose sites that have high active engagement or assist groups to develop programs that help promote community engagement to Composting projects.

  • We will continue to develop our youth members through a series of workshops, exposure, projects, and collaboration with other groups in other boroughs to strengthen connections and ties to the future of community composting.