Earth Matter NY Inc. seeks to reduce the organic waste misdirected into the garbage stream by encouraging neighbor participation and leadership in composting.
Collection & Processing
Accept & process up to 600 tons of organics annually
Up to 250 tons from Governors Island
Remaining organics to make up the 600 tons from off-Island community partners including LESEC and Big Reuse
Expect to produce up to 250 cubic yards of finished compost for distribution to Governors Island partners, NYC Parks, community gardens, other public open spaces, and the public
Compost applied to street tree beds through Earth Matter training programs
Outreach & Education
Host public-facing Open Hours, events, and volunteer workdays
Deliver Compost & Farm Apprenticeship and Zero Waste Island Trainee Programs
Host schools for field days at our Compost Learning Center on Governors Island
Deepen citywide relationships by collaborating on workshops, special events, and shared work days
Support Master Composter course with volunteer hours, tours, and workshops
Provide practical support for compost systems citywide such as assisting a preschool located in a Lower East Side NYCHA development