Astoria Pug
While most organizations have been allocated funding by City Council, we collectively recognize that Astoria Pug is essential to our Community Composting in NYC and needs support.
Astoria Pug strives to advance environmental activism, foster community engagement, drive education around composting, and promote sustainable solutions locally based out of Queens, New York.
You can make a meaningful impact by supporting them with a tax-deductible donation through the link below.
Collection & Processing
Continue operating six food scrap drop-off sites in District 22
Shift from truck reliance to high-capacity bike trailers for hauling materials
Ongoing tree care events to revive the neglected Hoyt Avenue North strip from 31st Street to Crescent
Compost give-back events in partnership with community groups
Outreach & Education
Educational outreach through partnerships with organizations such as the Girl Scouts of America